Jumping into January
January 2020 is here! Or at least it was. With the whirlwind of the Christmas holiday and New Year's, I feel like the month of January was unusually long. It was certainly the recharge I needed though, spending plenty of time with my loved ones. The train doesn't stop though, so shortly after the holidays, school resumed in full force. We just completed the Endocrinology and Reproductive block, and I will say that I think it may have been my favorite module thus far. While lengthy, the material was captivating to learn about. Now we're about to have our block exam on Neurology, and our first one for Cellular Control Mechanisms...yikes. That one looks like a lot. Learning about Neurology has been super interesting, too! Many of the neurological disorders we discuss have pieced together some of the puzzle for me with my volunteering at NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness). Numerous the citizens that NAMI serves suffers from mental health conditions like Schizophrenia and Depressive Disorder, so learning the pathophysiology behind them is helpful. I'm looking forward to going back next month to continue working with them!
As for January, I do have one hour of community service to log, though it might sound unconventional. My roommate is a medical student at LSUHSC and part of their curriculum is a class called Team Up, where first year students from all of LSU's Health Sciences Center Schools (so dental, medical, allied health, nursing, etc) pair up and interview an individual in the community about their healthcare experiences and health goals. This helps the students develop effective communication skills both with their future patients, but also with their collaborative healthcare team! It is a series of 3 visits over 3 months, each about an hour long where I answer a laundry list of personal questions. I just had the first visit from them this past weekend, and it was awesome to see how professional and personable they all were! I'm looking forward to next month when they come back to the house with suggestions on how to improve! After all, charity starts at home, right?
Goodbye January!
January Service Hours: 1
Total Spring Hours: 1
January 2020 is here! Or at least it was. With the whirlwind of the Christmas holiday and New Year's, I feel like the month of January was unusually long. It was certainly the recharge I needed though, spending plenty of time with my loved ones. The train doesn't stop though, so shortly after the holidays, school resumed in full force. We just completed the Endocrinology and Reproductive block, and I will say that I think it may have been my favorite module thus far. While lengthy, the material was captivating to learn about. Now we're about to have our block exam on Neurology, and our first one for Cellular Control Mechanisms...yikes. That one looks like a lot. Learning about Neurology has been super interesting, too! Many of the neurological disorders we discuss have pieced together some of the puzzle for me with my volunteering at NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness). Numerous the citizens that NAMI serves suffers from mental health conditions like Schizophrenia and Depressive Disorder, so learning the pathophysiology behind them is helpful. I'm looking forward to going back next month to continue working with them!
As for January, I do have one hour of community service to log, though it might sound unconventional. My roommate is a medical student at LSUHSC and part of their curriculum is a class called Team Up, where first year students from all of LSU's Health Sciences Center Schools (so dental, medical, allied health, nursing, etc) pair up and interview an individual in the community about their healthcare experiences and health goals. This helps the students develop effective communication skills both with their future patients, but also with their collaborative healthcare team! It is a series of 3 visits over 3 months, each about an hour long where I answer a laundry list of personal questions. I just had the first visit from them this past weekend, and it was awesome to see how professional and personable they all were! I'm looking forward to next month when they come back to the house with suggestions on how to improve! After all, charity starts at home, right?
Goodbye January!
January Service Hours: 1
Total Spring Hours: 1
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